Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm a blogger too, ya dingus.

Hello lovely people!

I know it's day time, but the night time hours have been busy and I had to get this thing started. So, here it is. A blog dedicated to the thoughts and aspirations contrived in the darkness we call "night". To aid in this crepuscular affair, a blogger needs the appropriate equipment. Luckily, my good friends have bestowed upon me the most appropriate accessories. I have my trusty rat lights...

                       (notice the ideal luminance)

and my very inconspicuous and very comfortable Handerpants.

                 (they're underpants for your hands)

Hopefully with these tools, I'll bring you the sights, sounds, and sentiments of the night.


Dance parties. Endangered species or thriving organism?

See you next time!
